Northern Plains Vascular Society

Executive Committee

2012 Annual Meeting


Northern Plains Vascular Society is a regional society. The original membership came from the Northern Plains states of North Dakota, South Dakota, Montana, Wyoming, Idaho, Minnesota, Colorado, and Nebraska. Currently, members are welcome from all states.  The first annual meeting took place in 1982 in Bismarck, ND.  It became an organization and granted membership to the original charter members in 1987.

Our goals and objectives are to promote professional development of surgeons and other physicians in this region in regards to vascular issues.  The role of the vascular specialist in these often more rural areas is different than the more urban/tertiary centers and often each specialist plays multiple roles.  Our organization recognizes this and strives to be of assistance in this regard with the annual meeting agenda being geared more towards this and with an open forum for various case discussions.  Professional relationships are also developed so one has a support network available to “Bounce things” off each other.  Various specialties currently represented by members include surgery (Vascular and General), Interventional Radiology, and Internal Medicine/Vascular Medicine. 

NPVS is a 501c3 organization